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Hazard Industrial Tract #2 Card 3

HAZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT #2 CARD 3.tif;- HAY INDUSTRLlL TRACT #2 601/350 2> 21-,1~ CARD i/3. 1.5 Lot 34- Permit to Dr. David N. & Barbara H. Geiger to maintain exist double faced, approximately 36 sq. ft., each face, exterior lighted ground sign; top of sign 10 1 above / ground; sign obs 2 1 SB on Balboa Ave., where 25' SB is estab; sign advertises exist veterinary hospital and animal clinic located on property, at 7931 Balboa Ave. betw Con- voy St. & Kearny Mesa Rd., M-lA Zone. Case No. 6485 5-28-64 Lot 347~:Mtlt-t;Tr:-oavidN~Geig;rt;-;;;si:-201;ao,,appn~400-;qJt:ind;;;;-;ier~1;;-j;ens be used in conj.w/sml animal hosp.(See C-5115) where light indus.&no vets hosp. permitted, at 7931 Balboa Av.btwn Convoy&Kearny Mesa Rd., Zone C-lA, condl. Case No. 6543 6-26-64 i_;,ot 34- Pennit to Dr. David N. & Barbara H. Geiger to const. 50 1 x 100 1 concrete block warehouse in rear of existing non-confonning sml animal clinic; new buldg. to obs 0 1 side yard on wly side where 81 side yard is req. (See C-5115, 6485, 6543) at 7931 Balboa Ave, betw, Convoy St. & Kearney Mesa Road, M-lA Zone cond. that there be no outside storage of anything other than motor vehicles; that the area betw. the veterinary hosp. & the proposed bldg. be reserved for off-street parking. -----------------------------~ase-NeT-iGi----4f+fei----- JL--Lot 32- Permit to Walter E. Fiedler, Inc. to const 50' x 70' industrial bldg. on a ~ parcel with exist commercial bldg. new construction to obs 0 1 side ya.rd where a 10' side yard is req at 7959 Balboa Ave. betw Convoy St. & Kearney Mesa Blvd. Z!llne M-lA. condl. Amended 1/27/66 Case Nol 7353 9/22/65 =