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Hazard Industrial Tract #2 Card 4

HAZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT #2 CARD 4.tif AZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT '2 Card No. 4 '5 ' ~t 24- Permit t.o G. Louis & Marr E. Farrington to const 48' x 25 1 industrial bldg encroach- int 8 1 into req 8 side yard, at 806.3 Balboa Ave. betw Keaniy Mesa Rd. & Convoy st., Zone M-li, Cond11. / Case Mo. 7788 7-21-66----------------------------------------------------------- Lot 30- Classification of Use- Impounding Yard for Graham Automotive Inc. Res.#176044 &.-11-63 ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 26- Z.A. considered appl of D.E. Alford & J.F. Kolbeck to erect one 8 1 x 10 1, 30 hi, pole-mounted, ID sign witn 4 1 x.8 1 rider sign under; pole to obs 10' SB where 26 1 is estab; edge of sign to overhang req 16' planting strip at 8039 Balboa Ave. betw Kearny Mesa Rd. & Convoy St., Zone M-lA and nae DENIED as req but APPROVED one 8 1 x 10',./ pole-mounted ID sign with a 4' x 8 1 rider; pole to obs 25' SB & edge of sign to obs a min of 10' SB, condl c-9650 1-14-70 Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Graham Automotive Inc. to erect three 14' hi ID sign,s portiais obs O' interior side yds where l~ of lot width is req at 7993 Balboa Ave. betw Convoy St. & Kearny Mesa Rd., Zone M-lA, condl ~,_~ 9-.3- 7o C-9910 NI.I- 5-25-70 I D. E. ALFORD & J. F. KOLBEQK requested an amendment/extension, extension was granted to 10-15-70. C-9650 8-17-70