Hazard Tract #1 Card 1
HAZARD TRACT #1 CARD 1.tif Lot 70- Permit to Felix & Marietta de la I sla to const tam rOCllll, bath & util ra addn to, rear of sin tam dwell which obs 4t' side yd; acldn to obs 4i side yd (5 1 req) at 15()4. Galveston St., R-1 N.H. Case #4012 4/12/61 Lot 37- TABLED request of Ada A. & Walter G. Schmidt to const two bedroom & bath addn to sing_fam dwell with exist lanai obs 0 1 side yd; addition to obs all yd req, at 1512 Bervy S}., 50 1 NW of Nashville St., Zone R-1, where 5' side;yard is req. Ca.se /16227 l/lA./64 Lot 41- Permit APPROVED by AZA to JOHN F. AND SUSANK, SMITH for construction of 46 1 of retaining wall from 0' to 10' high in the side and rear yards where a maximum of 6 1 high is permitted, at 1428 Nashville Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-15915 NH 3-30-79 Lot 41- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JOHN R. & SUSAN SMITH to use a one and a one-half ton vehicle in connection with Home Occupation, where a one-ton vehicle is the maximum per- mitted, at 1428 Nashville Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. H. O. #5416 9-24-82 Lot 40- Paula E. Kelly to maintain 20' x 11' garage cov to lvg area prov reqd off-street parking space of 15' x 11' obs 0 1 front yd, at 1436 Nashville St., Zone R-1-5. C-15803 3/19/79-----------------------------------------------------------------------