Hazelwoods Heights #2 Card 2
HAZELWOODS HEIGHTS #2 CARD 2.tif- HAZELWOOD HEIGHTS UNITS ft (0. D. Arnold)- Card 11-z-ll Lot 107- Permit to o. D. Arnold & Sons to const sing fam res & att gar with 121 6" SB on west side 51.at. ds. #8296 6/23/54 Lot 91- Condl pel"lllit to Peter & Josephine Sardina. to maintain exist. patio addition to reaidence (res. obs 19' rear yd where 201 req.) at 2941- 51st 5t., R-1, on condition that 3 1 be observed from outside ot posts to prop. line & that eave projection not exceed 6". Case 62054 9119/58. Lot ll8- Pel"lllit to Emanuel & Ernestine Buckley to construct bedra add. to exist sin fam res. & convert exist bedna to bath; add to obs 17t' rear yd (20 1 req.) 3085- 51st St.-----------....__ Qase 3216 3/1U60 ----- _._______ Lot 85- Permit to Wm H. & Phyllis J. Hwit to const.family rm addn to rear of exist sing tam res; addn to obs 181 rear yd (201 req} 5X6/J Pal.Ill St. betw Collura & Krenning Sta., a.-1 (DENIED requested 161 rear yd.) N.H. Case #4409 10/2/61 Lot 19- Permit to Clifford & Irma Crane to maintain & obtain permit for 6 1 high fence on top ot deck which is supported by.5' l'E'taio1ng wall & 2 1 8" piers in accordance with plans on file, at 5223 Quince St., Zone R-l Cood 11. C8 se #4710 3/9/62