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Development Services

Hector Square

HECTOR SQUARE.tif HECTCR SQUARE t> bBW, ~ al'l-no~-.5-Lot.33- R-4, Ord. 12989, suspended for addition to grocery. (Back 8' Orange Ave., P.L~ Pel'llit to Mrs. M. s. CUrlq, Oraoge & 38th ~ Res. #62434 12/18/.34 T.J.ota: l & 2- Permit to Robert Cappell to erect a Caddy-house, to within 6 of P.I.. on 39th St. Res. I 54295 7/14/30 Lot 21- Con4'1 permit to Rawson A. and Elma c. Lee to conduct a furniture & applla... nce-pair shop in an existing garage at 38'70 Orange Ave. Res. #1238 12/'4J/4S Lot.30- Cond 11 permit to Carl & Ruth.Behrends to operate auditing office in garage, 3828 Orange Ave.___ ais.#.3755 3/23/49 Por Lot 30- Permit to Harry Fitul to al.ter exist non-coni'ona. store & sing f res to store and duplex, no adds, 63%7% cover., 9.17' rear Jd. Res. # 4162 9/21/49 (.3802 Orange) Lots.3 thru 8- Corui'l permit to S. D. Unified School Dist. to const or move in blds. & to erect a 10' hi fence along both 39th St. & Achilles Dr., at NW cor or 39th & Achilles.. C-38.3 4/6/56 Lot 33- Permit to Mrs. P. J. Curley, to build a store bldg & apartment out to the propert7: line on 38th St., near Orange Ave. Res. #4.3821 12/5/'ZI