Hensley St Addn. Block 6 Card 1b
HENSLEY ST ADDN. BLOCK 6 CARD 1B.tif HENSLEY ST. ADON. oc,o 13(,. "'' CARD #lb (CCTn'IlWATION) BWCK 6 fqc.-ll-7 (see card la) (S)the maintenance of existing, 6'-0" high, open fence and gate within the front yard on 28th Street where nax:imum 6'-0" high fence and gate is permitted within the present 10'-0" required front yard, provided that the bottan 3 ft. is solid and the top 3 ft. is-~~Bfii81300,!13el8888f38900:B 50% open in canpliance with deisgn criteria; and (6) the rna;int.epance._Q _ " portions of fences/gates of reques11 #3 through #5 within the visibility area, wnere 3'-011 is the maximum height pennitted located at 138 28th Street, MF-3000 Zone, APPROVED with conditions; C-16641 6/22/90