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Heritage Add Unit#2 Card 1

HERITAGE ADD UNIT#2 CARD 1.tif HERITAGE ADDITIOR NO. 2-- CARD#l Lot 165- H. P. & Leon& Dyer & C. Don & W. Norene Shadle to const sin tam res obs 7' SI from.Jamestown Rd (121 req.) 5300 block on Jamestown Rd., R-l Zone. (DENIED requested 5 SB) Case.3102 2/12/60 6 m.os ext to exp 2/26/61. 6 mos ext to exp 8/26/61.6 llOS ext. to exp 2/26/62 (final) -----------~-~-~--.~--------,----- ~_ ~----- -- ~ ---"- ~~cc-. '> " "-'--- Lot 164- Permit to H.P. & Leona M. Dyer to const sin fam res with 9' SB at 5300 block on Jamestown Road, (12' req) DENIED requested 5' SB 6 mos ext to expire 2-26-61 6 mos ext to exp 8-26-61 6 mos ext to exp 2-26-62 (final) C-3103 2-12-60 Lot 163- Hayden P. & M. Leona Dyer DENIED permission to comst sin fam res obs 5' SB from Jamestown Rd., (12' req) at 5300 block Jamestown Rd. R-1 Zone C-3104 2-12-60 Lot 125- Permit to Robt E. & Mary Ellen West to const patio add with direct access to res add obs 14' rear yd (20' req) 5311 Constitution Rd., R-1 Zone, that 8 2 sides te of patio remain open. C-3110 2-16-60 Lot 179- Permit to Edna J. Garcia to maintain approximately 68 1 of retaining wall ranging in height from 4o" to 57" observing at closest point a 2 1 setback on Jamestown Way where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in established 15' setback at 5280 Jamestown Rd. Zone R-1-5 c-1075811/H 8-30-71