Heritage Add Unit#3 Card 1
HERITAGE ADD UNIT#3 CARD 1.tif HERTTAGE ADDIT0N UNIT #3 'I/ Card Lot 314- Permit to Heritage Inc. to erect 8 1 x 24' billboard sign on Conrad Ave. betw Dubois & Genesee Sts., R-1 for 1 year. C-1675 2-21-58 Lot 302- Permit to Heritage, Inc. to erect 10'.x 16' billboard sign to be located in the SB area on top of bank, on Genesee & Conrad, R-1 for 1 year. C-1676 &77 2-21-58 Lots 263-65- Permit to Heritage, Inc. to const model home on each lot, with 2' x 3' sign & use garage on Lot 265 as sales office, with 3' x 5' sign, 4431,4441, & 4451, Appleton St., for 1 year C-1687 2-28-58.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 382-84- Permit to Heritage Inc. to const model home on each lot, with 2' x 3' sign, on New Haven Rod., for 1 year C-1688 2-28-58 Lot 381- Permit to Heritage, Inc. to erect 11' x 16' adv sign at Uniontown Rd., cor of Lehrer Dr., R-1 for 1 year. C-1689 2-28-58 Lot 212- DENIErn the request of Douglas & Shirley Basore to maintain 6 1 high reed & lathe fence on top of 3' hi retain wall obs 0' SB from Aopleton St. where 10' SB is estab, and to maintain 5' high redwood fence on top of 3' hi bank along easterlyopropery line where fence 6 1 above average adj frd level is permitted at 5001 New Haven Rd. R-1 C-5462 2-6-63