Heritage Add Unit#3 Card 2
HERITAGE ADD UNIT#3 CARD 2.tif HERITAGE ADDITION UNIT #3 Card #2- CASE NO. 5462 APPEALED & DENIED, but 5' high redwood fence on top of~ 3' high bank obs 5' SB APPROVED. C-5462 4-4-63 Lot 211- TABLED request of Raymond E. & Lola J. Stiles to const fam room addn to rear of exist sin fam req; addn to obs 17'3" rear yd where 20' is req., Zone R-1 at 4470 Appleton St. C-5667 3-27-64 Lot 261- Permit to Clifford & Dorothy Goulet to constr an 11 1 411 x 19' extension to!iv rm of exist sin fam dwell, extension to obs a 16' rear yd, where 20' is req at 4961 Providence Rd betw Appleton St & Conrad Ave, Zone R-1-5, condl C-10233 NH 12-4-70 Lot 223- Permit to Alvin A. & Shirley J. Beckett to const a family rm addn to exs sfd. Addn to obs a 15.5' rear yard at 5091 Providence Road. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-15332. 8-25-78. Lot 248- Permit APPROVED by AZA to CHARLES L. AND DOROTHY COZZENS to use the property to teach music lessons (piano and other instruments) to 6- 8 students per day between the hours of 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p,m., Monday through Friday, at 4982 Providence Road, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. CUP 17194 Lot 214- AGREEMENT to VIOLA B. MARTINI to install a bath with garage, at 5001 Providence Road, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2673 4-24-81 in partially converted 6-16-81