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Heritage Addn. #4 Map 3781

HERITAGE ADDN. #4 MAP 3781.tif HERITAGE ADDITION #4 Map 3781 Lot 371- Permit to Jerry L. & Jacqueline Hull to const 27' x 14' fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 16 1 rear yd where 20' is req at 5182 Uniontown Rd. betw Millwood Rd. & Lehrer Dr., Zone R-1-5, condl Lot 385- Permit to Joseph D. & Jan L. Higdon to const yard and fireplace to obs 15'6" rear yard. Condition. Zone R-1-5. 12-1-78. C-98o5 NH 4-1-70 addn to sfd; addn to obs 17' rear C-15641 NH. 4451 New'Haven Rd.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 341- ZA APPROVED request for a satellite Antenna Permit of LLoyd G. and Martha E. English to maintain an exstg. 17"-0" high ground mounted aatellite antenna obsv. 3 or SY & more' than 25% visible from adj. ROW on Millwood Rd. where 15'-0" antenna kic, uh rear 40% of property. obsv. all yards and screened so that no more than 25% of hgt. is visible from adj. public ROW is permitted located at 5101 Mill- wood Rd. in Rl-5000 zone. C-20795 7/8/91