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Heritage Addn.#6

HERITAGE ADDN.#6.tif HERITAGE ADDITION # 6 :L Lot 'J40- Permit to C B & Elal H patio which obs 161 r;ar;d wheren~o,.iVinson to maintain exist attached exist sing f'am res WQiCh obs an a s r~q. Patio located on par with corner Galt lilay & Cole St wherep~ro?x 19 rearyd, at 5194 Galt Way, NW rearyd is req., Zone R-1.-------------------------------------------- Case No. 5601 4-22-pJ-----------------Lot 531- The Z~A. considered the application of Frank G. & Jenney Grutz;clc-t;-erect____ and maintain approx 70' of 21 to 3 1 high masonry retaining wall with 5 1 high redwood fence on top.for a total height varying from 71 to 8 1 obs 01 SB from Galt St. where a max 3 1 high f'ence in estab 12 1 SB is penn, at 5110 Galt Way, NE corner Galt St. & Galt Way, Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the requested redwood fence, gut has APPROVED retaining wall a max of 3 1 high with 3' high chainlink fence on top obs 0' SB from Galt St., condl. Case No. 7068 4/6/65 Lot 527- Permit to Elll:ily A. Zunic to const sin tam dwell obs 7 1 SB where 121 is estab at 4ll6 Galt St, NWly of Cole St. R-1-5 C-9042 12-16-68 Lot 533- AGREEMENT to MR. AND MRS. W. CORMIER to install a bar sink in a second story room addition, at 5134 Galt Way, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2752 2-24-82