Heritage Addn.#9 Card 1
HERITAGE ADDN.#9 CARD 1.tif HERITAGE ADDITlON #9 Card l Lots 1206-1210- permit to Herl tage Inc. to main houses as model homes with sales office in garc.ge on Lot 1206; feature display in gara~es on Lot~ 1207-1210, w one 3 1 X S1 sales office-sign & 1 l8 11x 36 model ID:c;stgn on ea lot, &: 16 poles w pennants, 12 1 high, zone R-1, where sin fam res is perm, at 7647 to 7687 Prarie rt9und Way, Cond'l C-5882. 8-1-63 1./'-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots ll55 thru ll58- Permit to Heritage, Inc., owner, to erect sing fam dwell on each lot to be used as model homes with sales office and feature display in gar on Lot ll55; to erect one 3' x 5 1 sales office sign on Lot 1155 & one 1811 x 3611 model ID sign on ea lot and 16 poles with pennants 12 1 high; all for a period not to exceed one year in connec with sale of homes in new subd where a max 8 sq. ft. sign advert the premises for sale or lease is perm, at SE cor Paradise Valley Rd. and Parkwood Dr,, R-1 Zone, condl. Case No, 6364 3-13-64----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1297-1298-1299- Permit to The Mathill Co. to conat & use for a period of l yr., a sing fam res on Lot 1298 as model & sal.es office, Lots 1297 & 1299 as mod.el homes & to erect one 3' x 51 unlighted, double-faced, free-standing ID sign on Lot 1299; two 2 1 x 3 1 single-faced .feature" signs on each lot; where single.family residences & one 8 sq .ft. for sale or lease sign on each lot is permitted; at 500 block Briarwood Rd., SW cor Briar- wood Rd. & Paradise Valley- Rd., in the R-1-5 Zone, condl. Case No. 7665 4/22/66-----------------------------------------------------------------------------