Hermosa Terrace Block 1 Card 1
HERMOSA TERRACE BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif HElOOSA. n:IWCE BLOCK 1_jlD # Lot 3- Permit to T. FrankUo and Bernice T. Schneider to erect a brick wall T.'rt. 1n height on Sou.th prop line of Lot J, westerl.7 side of Camino de la Costa, soutberq ot Palomar Street. Res. J459 l.0/6/48 Lot.3- Permit to 'l'. F. Schneider to erect fence paneled with glass, 2 1-4' hip oa exist. retain. wall 6- 8' high, 6424 Camino de la Costa. Res. 40.36 7/27/49 Lot 8- Pel'lllit to Fred E. Winship to const gar 12' setback for por, Cami.no de la Coata________________,________ ftes. ~ 10/19/49 Lot 8- Condl permit to Fred E. Winship to install 2nd kitchen, Lot 8, Blk l, Hermosa Terr, Camino de la Costa._______________ Res. 4241 10/19/49_________ Lot 4- Permit to the Hamilton Cattle Co. to erect 6 (total ht of wall and ret wall varying frcn 6 1 to 121 Costa, end of Wiuamar, Zone R-1. ret. wall with 6 1 freestanding wall along no prop line) at Camino de la Res. 4825 7/12/50 Lot i Permit to Bonita c. Cogan to coll8t 56 cone blk wall with 2'6 11 glass panel on top, W side Camino de la Costa bet Palomar & Winamar. Res. Ho. 7677 8/19/53 Lot 7-(exc S 15 1)- Condl permit to Carl Goller, owner, & Wm Canning, purch., to const sin f'aa res & gar on 101. split after date of orig zon but prior 12/5/54, S of 6.378 C9111ino de la Costa, Zone R-1. C-2262 1/29/59 Lot 12- AGREEMENT 1955 to Frank M. & Gertrude Breman to add shower to lower floor area.------~~-~--------O ,a-- -_/l!!Lll.---~-----'> c-- ,- -'..