Hidden Valley Hills #1 Card 2
HIDDEN VALLEY HILLS #1 CARD 2.tif HIDDEN VALLEY m UNIT #1 Cardl/t2.. Wt 36- permit to M & B.S.Kratz to maintain 5' high concrete block wall w/6' hi wood ~nee abv extend from dwell to E prop line, back of SB; & maintain 31 hi ccncrete blk wall vw/6' hi wood fence abv continuing Nly alng E prop line 4o; area adj to block wall filled, resul.t in fence 9' abv orig grade w/8 1 is permitted & fence 7' to 8' abv grnd lev (6 permitted) at 2520 Via Viesta, 500' E of Via Capri, Zone R-lC cond c-6015 9/23/63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- z.A. considered the appl of Mr. & Mrs. Robt. J. Orr to maintain an 81 high red- wood picket fence on top of a 3' high masonry wall on your west prop line, retllI"lling back of the SB & around aundeck rasulting in an 11' high wall & fence where a max of 6' above aver adj grnd level is pennitted & has DENIED the req 8' high fence but APPROVED a 6' high fence at 2382 Via Capri Ct, Zone R-1-10. Case No. 7231 7/30/65--------------------------------------------Lot 33- Permit to Dr. Frederick T. & Clara V. Wall to const sin fam dwell with detached gar; portion of gar will obs 7' SB where 15 1 istabli~hed SB is re~ at 2470 Via Viesta, uetw 'lia Capri & Via.Siena, R-1-10 C-9173 N.h. 3-4-69 Lot 42- Permit to Sarah B. Armstrong to erect approx 80' of retaining wall ranging in ht from O' to 6 1 where max 3' wall or fence is perm in 20' & 7' estab SB in front at 2559 Vis Viesta, north of Via Siena & East of Via Capri, Zone R-1-10. AMENDED 6-23-70 C-9812 NH 4-3-70-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------