Hidden Valley Hills #1 Card 3
HIDDEN VALLEY HILLS #1 CARD 3.tif.- HIDDEN VAUE! Hll.IS #1 Card #3.- Parcel B of Lot 19 (ROS 5822)- Permit to Messrs. Richard K, Livett & Robert A. Scallan, purch & James C, & Margie K, Chittick, owners to const a sin fam dwell averaging 35,25 1 in ht where max ht for bldg may be 30' in the R-1-10 zone, at 7405 HillsideDr, north of Via Siena, in the R-1-10 zone. c-10050 9-1-70 Lot T- Permit to Gordon a. Patricia Wiedrick to intain 156 ~ 5' 111 ol14 voocS fence (1,.9' of fence in public right ~ way encroachment permit applied for) 3' ~ fence in 10' etab eetback on Via Avola, vllere ax 3' tli fence ie permitted on 15oi. Via capri at tile D cor ~ it intersect with Via Avola; tabled. Variance cannot be used eince he cannot get neceeaary encroactuant permit. C-1~56 R.R. 5-25-Tl