Higgins Addition Block 32
HIGGINS ADDITION BLOCK 32.tif HICCIN'S ADDITION BLOCK 32 S 70'L0t 22 & S 70' of E 10' of Lot 23- Permit to Mabel Pascoe to make amall addn & repairs to 2611 "PIS'St. on parcel which does not have street frontage. Res. 3359 8/11/48 Lot 33 & Lot 34- Cond*l permit to Estelle Willerton to alter exist duplex to triplex, 1 unit facing 4 1 611 court, 2' 611 side yd on 1 side, 2632 B Street. Res. #4168 9/21/49 Lots 25- 28- Permit DENIED by Planning Commission to FAIRMONT FOODS COMPANY, owner; and TIC TOC SYSTEMS, INC., permittee, to install and operate two gasoline pumps and related equipment in conjunction with a U-Totem Market, located on the northeast corner of 26th and B Streets, Zone C. CUP588-PC 5-22-80