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Development Services

Highdale Add To Encanto Heights Card 1

HIGHDALE ADD TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 1.tif HICHOALE AODITIDN TD ENCANTO HEIGHTS lots 29 to 32 inc. & 62 to 66 inc.,- Permit to Arvid & Beulah Fahlen to time business of mop making, for 5 years, no emg;~i74~ and not more,man Card #1 "1{"(conduct a part, 4 hours per day ' operation. Res. 996, Lot 13- Permit to C. H. Hightower to const a garage 24' x 24' in size with 6 inch side yardl 6720 Springfield street. Res. 3485 10/20/48 NE 50' Lot 11- Permit to Merlin F. & Helen C. Gabriel to erect ~pt. above exist gar, making 2 res, 6692 Springfield St. Res. 7609 7/22/53 N 50' Lot 122- Permit to Thos F. & Blanch E. Grady to maintain exist workship addn. to ex~3,-9ar 1 bldg with 1' side yd, 2222 69th St. Res. 7864 11/13/53 S\ Lot 38 & SW Lot 56 Ira L. Prescott & Betty J. to construct stable bldg. on por. 56 tto ~e-i5ed in connection with res. on 38. 5-250 10/11/54 1 Ely 50' of Lot 38- Permit to Vern Page to const sing fam.ires. at 6733 Sppingfield St. Res. 8775 3/2/55 Por Lot 32- Permit 'to Chris Anderson to.,const res on par, E. of 6629 Springfield St., R-2 Cond'l. Case No. 709 8/20/56 Wly half of Lot 35- Permit to Glen A. & Francis J. Sturdevant to const sin fam res & gar making 2 1 iving units on lot split out after orig. zoning & prior to 12-5-54, a,t 6687 Springfield St. Case 792 10/8/56 + Lot 31 (por)- Permit to Santos Pulido to const 2 sing fam res on par split after zoning on-Springfield St. nr Paradise St. & County Line, R-2 Case, 830 11/2/56 Lot 148- Permit to Clarence M. & Helen E. Whyte to const an accessory buildlng for use as a guest house without a kitchen AGREEMENT #892 10/1/56 Lot 10- Permit to AURELIO Z. & BARBARA SANTOS to constr 20 1 x 20' fam rm addn on lot w/2 exist dwellingxunits, where no enlargement or addns are perm exc as perm by zone variance at 6682 Springfield St betw Paradise & Mallard Sts- Map 1176- Zone R-1-6, subj to 2 conds. Zone Variance C-11371 7/27/72