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Development Services

Highland Park Estates #1 Card 2

HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES #1 CARD 2.tif HIGHLAl'I> PARK ESTATEll Card 12 Lot 25- Permit to Heritage lntisto erect & maintain tor 1 yr. one 4 1 x 8 1 unligbt.ed, sing taaed directional sign adver. homes in High Pk Est. #1 on Skyline Dr. at NEl;r cor Slqllne Dr. & Meadowbrook Dr., Zone R-1 C-4129 6/U/61 Lot 28- Permit to Paradise Hills, Inc., owner, & Shell Oil Corp., lessee, to install one 4' 9" x 4' 1111 interior lighted plastic emblem sign on each side ot pylon; bottca of sign to be 5'8" above""'-f tiae ot bldg where signs attached. o~ to face ot bldg are perm., at 8W corner Sqline Dr. & Mead.ow Brook Dr., Zone RClA; am alter consideration hu AMENDED the rec; to include maintenance of exist Ji' x 5' si~ at the nElJ' cor ot the prop obs SB, cond.l. Or:lg:lnaJJ7 tabled. C-3393 5/14/61+---- ------------------------ Lot:nH- Hard.ware S1ore, proposed to be located in RC Zone, located at lOJi Meadowbrook Dr., b7 Mr. Ted. Carter, is an enterprise similar to and. not aore obnoxious or d.etrilllental to the welfare ot the particular coJ1111.unity than those enterprises or businesses perm in Sec.lOl.0425,.- CC Res. No. 193'.50 4/23/68 Lot 2- Z.A. considered application of Dr. Huston Kellogg, owner & Appolo Realty, lessee to erect approx 6 1 x 3' single faced lighted freest:and:ing sign on roof ot tidg. where signs are req to be attached to but no project above parapet or eaves of bldg. at 112 S. Meada,brook Dr. betw Skyline Dr. & Shadyglade Lane, Zone RC-lA; &Dd after coDSideration of the following finding of faota has DEIIIED sign as nq but APPROVED a sign on the north end of the bldg., as well as on the frnt face ot bldg, each sign a max 5' x 2 1 to att to the facia board., paral!._!!_~t.h_the street_.___ ~::~ l/J/69________________