Highland Park Estates #7
HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES #7.tif HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES # 7 llSO~S: 4 Lot 702- Pern;.lt to Donald c. & Jessie M. Jomjson to erect 3' high block l(wall or: top of exist retaini'.'"lg wall ranging in height fram 2,-4n to 1 1-111, overall hei13;,-1t ranging from 51 to 31; wall to obs 0 1 SB or: KirJ, swood St. where 12 1 is estab, at 321 Kingswood St. betw '"',rookha,,en Rd. & Sunswept St., Zone R-1, condl. Case No. 5846 7-25-63----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 799- Permit to c. Edward and Walleen F, Reed to constr 15' p" x 28 1 4" fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 17'0" rear yard wnere 20' is req; TABLED, Case No. 10353 Filed: 2-25-71 Lo! 7~5- Agreement with Anthony and Joyce Hurban to construct a one-story addition to an existing, one s~ory, sin~le-family dwel~ing ~ontaining two bedrooms, a living room expansion and full bath with exterior access and interior access through an existing living room, located at 383 Northgate Street, Zone Rl-5000 AGREEMENT# 4314 6-20-89------------------------------------------------------------------------