The Highlands Card 9
THE HIGHLANDS CARD 9.tif (THE) HIGHLANDS.. CARO If Port ion of Ca 1 i forn i a watchman's Zone M-18. Lot 50- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FREEWAY INTERNATIONAL BUSINES~RK, a ~(Limited Partnership, to allow construction of a three story residence for quarters, located on the south side of Daggett Street, west of Ruffner Street, Conditions. CUP 18287 12-16-83 Por. Lot 50- ZA DENIED request of the City of San Diego to use property as operations center for City buses & provide 5.85% landscaping on the property where 10% of the lot is reqd to be landscaped at 7695 Opportunity Rd., Zone M-18. c-18593 10112/84 APPEALED TO BZA on 12/5/84- ZA's decision overuled. BZA APPROVED with conditions.____________________________________________ C-18593___________ 12/S/84_______ Portion of Lot 9- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by Sunburst Homes Corporation to construct a retail shell building observing a 0 1 011 northside yard where a 14'4".side yard is required, located in the 5400 block of Kearny Villa Road, M-lA zone. C-,-20183 1-27-89