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Hill 'N Dale #2 Card 1

HILL 'N DALE #2 CARD 1.tif. ~,.,, ' Hll.L n I DALE:/12 CARD #1..l.\-Lot 62- CONVERSION AGREEMENT to San Carlos Assoc to maint temporary sales off in living rm of sin fam res on TI07 Hill~ndale Dr., Zone R-1-5. Prior to xni: sale of said property, the bldg on Lot 62 shall be converted to a sin fam dwell in conformity w/regula- tions governing the R-1-5 zone. AC-13 7-23-70 Lot 21- The Asst.Z.A. has cons. the appl. of John E. & Betty J. Poast for perm to erect approx 80 1 of 5' high blk. wall obs. a 5' street side yd. on Hillandale where max. 31 high wall is perm in req 10 1 st. side yd and in 15' front yd at rear 20' of lot and obs a 5' front yd on Hilland.ale Ct, where max 3' high wall is perm in req 10 1 front yd, At 6018 Hillandale Ct. betwn. Hillandale Dr. and end of cul-de-sac. Zore R-1-5 and after consid. of the following finding of facts, has DENIED the appl. as req, but APPROVED constr. of a 51 high wall obs 5' st side yd and 10 1 front yd. Cond'l (N,H.) c-11897 4-11-73 Lot 238- Permit (no name) tor Land Conservation Approval at 7975 Hillandale Dr tor wood fence; on the S side ot Hill & Dale St betw Deerfield St and Hillandale Ct. 62-LC 10-30-73 tot-240-:-I.aii.a.-consei-vatlon-i> e~lt-to-va~haii-ror-Pat10-cover-;t-'1955-Hiii~~~-;:---- 112-r.c 6-14-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 8- Permit to Larry & Barbara St. John to constr a 12' x 15' rm addn to an exist sgl fam dwell; addn to.obs a 16' ~ear yard where 20' is req. at 7705 Margerum Ave., Zone.R-1-5.. C0NDIT0NAL C-I3,760NH 7-23-76------~------------------------------------ ...,_ ' -.. r ._._ ". , ., " "h..._ ""'