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Development Services

Hillcrest Addition Block 7

HILLCREST ADDITION BLOCK 7.tif HILLCREST ADDITION Lot.3- Zone swspended, for Julius Willers. Bes .369.3.3 2/23/26 Lot 5 & Nt of Lot 6- Erect a bungalow court.- pel"llit to C. A. Osburn, 3570- 5th St. Rea .39151 9/20/26 lot 4- Const 5 single car garages facing al.lq- permit to Clara E. Willers, A Zone. Res. 41508 4/29/2:/ Lot 16- Permit to ThOIR&8 O. Burger to conv-ert 2-story house & garage at 39.36- 4th Ave. into apartments with 286" side yd. Res. 295-6 6/.3/4.3 Lot 19- Permit to Gordon R. & Alice J. Scribner to cons office bldg. with 01 SB at 3960-4th Ave.____. ~- Re~-- 56_5~_ 7/ll/~l....______ Lot 16- Permit to Mr. & Hrs. Durell E. Williama & Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Williams to const. 2-story office bldg. obs 0 1 SB from 4th Ave. where 5' SB is req, at 39.36- 4th Ave.,Zone C. c-5697 51.J.6/6.3 Ext. to expire 5/16/64 (10/18/6.3----------------------- Lot 19- Penai.t to Gordon R. & Allee J. Scribner to const 6-Unit, 2-stor;r apt. house, with parldngll'lder; addn obs all yd req; attached exist co111aercial structure obs 0 1 side yd llhere 3' side yard is req, at 3960- 4th Ave. batw University & Washington, Zone C, cond'l. C-6800 10/22/64------ ------------- Lot 16- Permit to Chas. D. & Ethel M. Smith, off. bldg obs O' SB on 4th Ave., where 5' Univ. Ave., Zone C condl own & Conner-Dale Corp., purch. to constr 1-stor: is req at 3936 4th Ave. betw Washington Ave. & C-9274 5-23-69