Hillcrest Addition Block 8 Card 3
HILLCREST ADDITION BLOCK 8 CARD 3.tif HILLCREST ADDITION BLOCK 8.. CARD #3 l1 Lot 12 and 13- Permit to R.M. Ledford, Jr. and Anne Ledford~ns, Exec. and Executrix for the estate of Roy M. Ledford, to convert 2nd story off. in exist. commer. build. to 12 studio apart. dwelt. units., residential use to obs. O' front and str. side yrd. where 15' front and 10 1 str. side yrd. are req. (parking to be in compliance wiih Div. 8 of the Zoning code). NW corner of 5th ave. and Univ. Ave. Zoned C, ~- C-13169 7-14-75 Lots 3 & 4- Permit was considered by ZA to ELMER WARNES, owner; HENRY J. POLPERE, ROBERT C. THURSTON and BRUCE E. DAVIDSON, purchasers, to construct a two-story office building over a one-story parking garage to: (I) observe a O' front yard where 5' street widening setback is established; (2) provide 24 1 between driveway where 45' is required; and (3) result in 2.90 FAR where maximum 2.0 FAR is permitted, at 3959 and 3969 Fourth Avenue, Zone C. DECISION: (1) APPROVED; (2) DENIED; (3) DENIED;. Conditions. C-17379 9-4-81 Lots 12-14- ZA has APPROVED the request of GATEWAY PARTNERS, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNER- SHIP- to construct a three-story, office building with two subterranean parking levels on a lot currently developed as a commercial parking lot with vehicular access from 5th Ave where vihicular access is permitted only from an abutting alley, at the Northwest corner of 5th Ave and University Ave, Map 1069, C zone, Pedestrian/commercial Overlay zone, Uptown Interim Ordinance zone, w/cond. C- 19804 12/11/87