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Hillcrest Block 1 Card 2

HILLCREST BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif HILLCREST BLOCK 1 JdJ to Lot 16, Blk l- Pel'lllit to The Whitson Co, b7 Frank R. Meyer, Jr., 3935 5th Ave. to aove and operate a cabinet shop- 10 H.P. 1n Zone Con a portion or 6th St., closed, north oi' Washington St. Ras. 69005 J/7/39 Lots 9 & 10- Permit to Whitson Co. to use as ccaaercial parking lot, E side ot Hillcrest Dr, 1001 I of Washington, R-4, cODi 11____-~~~--- 7 /2_'?/~_.__________________ Lots J.-J:, 5 & 6, Blk 1 & all Blk 2 & st clsd por 6th Av-e.,- Permit to Kercy Hospital of S.D. to use prop for parking lot & to const 2 1 to 25 1 wall with 41 6" chain link fence on top, Conditional.. C-2055 9/26/58.,------.--- ------------- Diagnostic Treatment Bldg., Mercy- Hospital- Cond. granted c.u.P. Case 2960- 12/29/59 Lots A thru E (Amended) Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Mercy Hospital to const & operatea 4.36-bed Hospital located on both sides of Hillcrest Dr. betv. Washington St. & Levis St., being a por of Fleischer's Addn. in the R-4 Zone. CUP C-4984 & 5816 7/25/62 & 7/22/63 AMEND Ui9t62 cL L g--$""-z:z:------~