HILLTOP.tif HILLTOP-Lot 3- ZA APPROVED the CUP request of REGENCY HILL ASSOCIATES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP to maintain one, 32 sq. ft., 4'-5" high community area identification monument sign, where such sign is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only, located at 6530 Reflection Drive, R-3000 zone. Conditions. C-20680 11/16/90 Lot 4- ZA APPROVED CUP request of REGENCY HILL ASSOCIATES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNER- SHIP to maintain one, 32 sq. ft., 4'-5" high community area identification monument sign, where such sign is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only- (Parcel 1 of PM 16043, R-3000 zone with conds, located at 6403 Reflection Drive. C-20681 11/16/90