Hoffman Tract (Encanto) Card 2
HOFFMAN TRACT (ENCANTO) CARD 2.tif.;..,--! HOFFMAN TRACT (Encanto) Por of- permit to '..';'ayne Neal, owner, and Bayview Baptist Church, purchaser to construct a church plant, as per plans on file in the Z Div of the P Dept at 6130 Benson Ave betw 61st and 65th 3ts in the R-1-5 Zone. Cond 11. C.U.P C-7471 12-b-65 1 yr ext to exp 12-6-67.- J. yr ext to exp 12-6-68 (12-8-67)-nu-A.J/,t.~ Ci'Ji-4-4'6) ~-~-c15-,~~-~-~-?P97___________-fC r~ I <?-~- 70{/oJ.-f-6C,)..---- /.:l-,_ 71 c l/-1r-?o) GJ..-s-..,,- 7U7 u~