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Hoitt's Addition Block 14

HOITT'S ADDITION BLOCK 14.tif /4ns @omoo BLOCK 14 W'.3.3 1 Lots 5 & 6- Pend.t to John A. & Rachel E. Ward to const duplex with 7' SB on Do4.son St., at JIE cor Dilllaon & J Sta. Iles. llo. 9091 8/17/55 V 33' Lots 5 & 6- 6 110 ext. granted to John A & Rachel E. Ward to const duplex with 7' SB on Dodson St., at BE cor Dodson & J. Res. 9389 1/18/56----- ------~--eo--- Lot 11,- Permit to Dirk & Lorraine Van D7k to utilize exist res. as a lllOdel hane &. sales office, with poater sign back ot setback, at 434- 30th St., Zone R-4, Cond. 11. C-486 6/4./56 Ext.- l yr. expires 6/J0/58 7/2/57 W 33' Lots 5 & 6- FDIAL 6 mo. ext. to John A. & Rachel E. Ward to const duplex with 7' SB on Dodson St., at U cor Dodson & J. Sta. C-672 7 /24/56 V 33' Lota 5 & 6- 60-dq ext. granted to John A. & Rachel E. Ward to const dupl.ex with 7' SB on Dodson St. C-672 2/25/57 E 3.3 1 Lot 5 & 6- Perudt to Robt. A. & Lola Faye Ward to constr sing f'am res v/out gar or off-st parking at 2960 J St., Zone R-4. C-5255 10/19/62.__ 6 1110s ext.exp.10/19/63.