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Development Services

Hoitt's Addition Block 19

HOITT'S ADDITION BLOCK 19.tif HOITT' S SUBDIVISIOII BLOCK 19 Lot 6- Permit to A. Cohen to erect res to prop line on Hoitt 5t. Res. 53840 5/2JJ/JO '&.38 1 Lot 6- Permit DENIED to E. I. and Julia E. Bangel to const l' x 32' addn to non-cont grocerJ store, with total or 75% coverage at 2864 K st. Res. 5259 1/24/51 Lots I and 12- Permit to Floyd and Sandra Robinson: (I) to const a 14 unit apt bldg and to provide an access driveway parallel to the front yard on Hoitt Street obs an 8'-5' front yard; (2) to erect approx205' of 3 1-10' high ret wall with a 4 1 high solid fence on top (overall height 7' to 14' high) to obs a 0 1 int side yard on the north and mM~ south sides of the lot; (3) wall to obs a 4' front yard on Hoitt Street and a 7' front yard on 29th Street. R-2 Zone. Condition. 345 Hoitt Street. C-14989 NH. 3-22-78.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------