Holiday Inn Card 1
HOLIDAY INN CARD 1.tif.::-~::,:~:,~on:~~q Hol~~Co:~.~!:?.Jr~~~~~,:o::1o~ J structure obs 73' side yd on east side & 105 1 on West side, with 1 story vehicular entrance canopy obs 75' side yd on West side where 105 1 side yd is res at 595 W. Hotel Circle Rd bet Higr,way 395 & Taylor St.:lone l!-5- Cond 1 l ~.3-/,-77.;/- 7- e,:,, o_,,f-af1 / <?~_,,._tf fleu(ld!.. f.vuf.e ~?-:j?~,~a Case #8882 10-4-68 Por Pueblo Lot 1118- Permit to Hoseph A. Vatterott to constr 10 story 1mg hotel to encroaching 31.74 1 into req 105' sideyd on east side per revised plans, at 595 Hotel Cir 1000 1 west of Hwy 395, R-5 Cond 1 1 Case #7466 1-12-66 Lot 1 p Z.A. considered application t of Mission Valley Holding Co. to erect (1) free- standing, double-faced, flashing illuminated sign, overall ht 47' 10", face of sign 491 sq ft per face with flashing star & arrow on top thereof, where sign not over 40' in ht & lOO~q ft in area per face is perm & no flashing lights are permitted; sign to obs l' SB where 25' is estab & to encroaching 9' into req 10' planting strip; (2) 2 sin faced, illuminated wall signs 33' x 5'11" max size on 9th floor level of bldg, 1 on west side&. 1 on east side, where one sign not exceeding 20' x 4 1 max dimensions is perm fronting each street at 595.;Hotel Circle South, approx 1300' west of Hwy 395 Zone.R-5 and nas (1) DENIED as req but APPRQVED free-stand, dble-faced non flashing non- animated, illuminated sign, overall ht 47' 10", face of sign ~91 sq ft per face, with non- flashing, non-animated star & arcow on top thereof & with sign obs 10' SB (2) APPROVED. C-9407 8-7-69