Homeland Villas Block 6 Card 1
HOMELAND VILLAS BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif HOMELAND VILIAS BLOCK 6;._Card Hl ~f.t.2- Permit to North Shore Lumber Co., W. L. Loizeaux, Pres., to const. 71 fence, ~9U Balboa. Res. 40J8 7/27/49)1 Lot 2- Cond'l permit to Fred A. Griswold, o'WDer, & North Shore Lumber Co. to permit exist. lumber yd in Zone M-1 to ~d into C Zone, 2946 Balboa. Res. 4129 9/7/49 Lot 4- Permit to Wm. & Alice DeJong, & Horner-Golem Co. Company- to constnict bldg. in por. Lot 4, 2974 Balboa Res. 6744 8/20/52 SWl7 por lot 2- Permit to Albert P. Buffington to use 50% of bldg for mf'g. use in conj with retail.rumiture bus, at 2946 Balboa Ave., c. Zone, cond'l. Res. 9375 1/18/56 Por Lot 2- Penait to Arlen F. Kantor, purch, & A. P. & Doris Buffington, owners, to remodel exist bldg. for a pet clinic, no overnite boarders, 29.50 Balboa Ave., Zone C & M-1 Zone, cond'l-__,._.Q&! 2222... 1L9/J2____,,____---- Por Lot 1, Earl V. & Edith P. Pickett, owner, & Arlen F. Kantor, purch-to remodel exist building for fi.se as pet clinic, with no overnight boardez.-a, 2926 Balboa Ave., C & K-1 zones. TABLED J/20/59 C-237J ABOVE approved conditionally" (9 conditions) J/2JJ/59