Homeland Villas Block 6 Card 2
HOMELAND VILLAS BLOCK 6 CARD 2.tif...... HOMELAJIDm.J.AS BLOCK 6 CARD 12}?' W'l.7 75' ot E'ly 1501 of Lot l except lrffway opening and at opening- Permit to Arlen Kentor, DVM, pel'lllittee, to 118intain and operate a Vet Clinic on N side of Balboa Ave., betw Mission Bay Dr. & Santa Fe St., to include & veterinary- clinic designed and operated as an out-patient clinic, Reception, xam:ioation, ottice & treatment facilities, an interior kennel area which shall be adequately soundproofed and designed to house patients on a temporary basis for medical observation on]Jr (no boarding), off-st parking, Com. 11. CUP Case No. 179-PC 8-15-68------------------------------------------------Wly 100' of Lot 1- Classification of Use- James Messer to sell fire wood at 2910 Garnet St. Res. 163663 12-22-60