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Homesites #2 Card 1

HOMESITES #2 CARD 1.tif.. HOMESI'l'ES RO. 2 Lot 77- on rear of lot, "',)'\I-~ CARDf1't\- a retaining wall, ' 10-17-58 to B.L. Reid to const 11' high wall, to be used as at 6244 Viewpoint Dr., R-1 with 4 1 fence on top c-2103 Lot 79- G.A. & Verna T. Burton DENIED to const free-standing concrete wall 4' x 8 1 & 8 1 in rear yd, but AMENDED & APPROVED to build planter box 4 1 6" high in SB Saipan Dr. & Build 2 wall in SB area one to range from 18" to approx 4' high & one 3' to approx 4 1 (2' back on Saipan Dr.) & Build 10' high retain wall along N property line at 6264 Viewpoint Dr. R-1 Zone C-2788 9-4-59 Lot 78- Permit to Geo. M. & Gladys Piasecki to construct concrete wall along rear prop line to be 10' high above grd level (6! perm) space adj wall to be filled 6254 Viewpoint Dr. Zone R-1 C-2789 9-4-59----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 79- Z.A. (Asst) considered appl of Ernest H. & Elaine F. Tougas to constr 30' x 24' playrom addn att to exist sin fam dwell & over exist gar; addn to obs l' rear yd where 20' is req at 636~ Viewpoint Dr., NW cor Viewpoint Dr. & Saipan Dr., Zone R-1-5 and bas DENIED tne req as submitted but amended to APPROVE conversion & extension of exist patio permitting a 16 1 rear yd with a building max of 30 1 in lengtn, condl.k#= ~:t., o/.~ 3_ 7;;J.-{3.;._s--?!J_f.f-~-?a- At;- Bi)___ C-9774_____ 4-3-70____________