Horton Park
HORTON PARK.tif HORTOJl PARK ~ 1r~1' > f (Lot 'r/- Penid.t to A. R. Witham to erect 51 high concrete block wall on joint side lot line and along north line ot Jfarilou Road, 492t Date St. Case #11 J-11-54---------------------.---------------------Lot 28- Penid.t to E. W. Shelanake7 to erect 5' high concrete block wall on joint side lot line andalong north line ot Marilou Road, 4-927Date St. Case 1117 J-11-54---------------------------------------- Lot 88- Penid.t to Gail R. & Betty Schwarz to conat sing tam res wit.h 5' SB on lily aide of Elm St. betw 4-9th It 50th Sta. R-1 Rea. No. 8953 5-25-55---------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit DENIED to F.J. & Jennie Vargas to maint exist gar EDBD conversion to living quarters providing req off-street parking space in front yd obs 3 18 11 SB where 15' is estab at 4927 Elm St betw 49th St. & 50th St., Zone R-1-5. Appeal Granted & decision of Z.A. overruled-appeal sustaine@-10115 11-30-70 L~t 2- AGREEMENT #1669 to F. J. & Jennie Vargas to maintain exist gar conversion-to-- living quarters, providing required off.. street parking space in front yard obs 3 1-8 11 setback wllere 15' is estab. A-1669 3-15-71--~-, at~-,::--------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 88- Permit to Robert T. & Fannie F. Camper to constr a 15'-6" x 14'-8" fam rm addn to an exist single fomlly dwell; addn to obs a 1'-6" rear yd where 20' ls req, at 4928 E.lm. Street, Zone R-J.-5 . C0N.DlTL0NS- C-13835 9~13-76----------~--~-~--~-~-----~---~~---.-