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Development Services

Horton's Addition Block 205

HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 205.tif HORTON'S ADDITION Lot L- Permit to St. with excess coverage, Cedar Sts. BLOCK 205 Joseph's Roman Catholic Church to remodel no rear yd & I' sideyard into class rooms Res. 1968 1 /3/47. '{lower floor of apt. house & I igrary,SW corner, 4th & Lots A & B- permit to St. Joseph's Cathedral to erect 6 1 chain link fence on top of retain wall, 5' hi, overall ht of 11' (7"'-3" to 81-611 abv av adj grnd level.C-5148 8/13/62--- Lots A,B,C,D,E,J and K- Permit to Cathedral Plaza Development Corporation, a California corporation, "Owner/Permi ttee, to cons tr and operate a 222-un it retirement fac i I i ty for the elderly, loc in the blk bounded by Third and Fourth Aves. and Cedar and Beech Sts. Zone C C-378-PC 4-3-73