Horton's Addition Block 215 Card #1
HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 215 CARD #1.tif HOR'-'ON 1S ADDITION BLOCK 215 ecard #1 So. 10' of E 30' of Lot B, E 30' of Lot C, Lot J & the So. Florence 0 ''Connor to alter an exist res at 1750- 6th Ave. 10' of Lot K, condl permit to into duplex with 5' rear yd. Res. 239-2/25/43 \V Easterly 20' of Lots E & G & all of Lots G & H, permit to Llano D, Briggs to alter exist duplex at 1722-24 Sixtb. Ave. into a 4-unit apt. with 3'10" side yd. except for bay window on 2nd story which has only l' 10" side yd; rear yd. same as now maintained by exist. bldg. (HOLC) Res. 319 6/24/43 Lot I- Permit granted to First Soutb.ern Baptist Cb.urch to falter & enlarge basement under exist house at 1736- 6th St. with no sideyard & 3' between bldgs. Res. 2297 6/5/47 Lot I- First Southern Baptist Church granted 6 mos. ext from expiration date of Res. 2297 ABOVE. Res. 2835 1/2@ /48 Lots D, G, H, I & Ely 20' Lots E & F- Permit to First So. Baptist Church to const addn to ehurch with O' rear yd, NW cor 6th & Date (condl) Res. 7596 7/22/53 Lots a, G, H, I, & Ely 20 1 E & F.- Pennit to First So. Baptist Church to const. addn to church sith 0 1 setback, NW cor 6th & Date. (condl.) Res. 7597 7/22/53 Lots G & H- Permit to 1st So. Baptist Church to use as parking lot in conj with serv sta on Lots E & F, NW cor Sixth & Date (condl) Res. 7812 12/1/53,-----------------------------------.