Horton's Addition Block 218 Card #2
HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 218 CARD #2.tif..,. HOlTON 1S ADDITION BLOCK 218 Card' ('t Por Lot G & all H & I- Permit to Westminster Manor of S.D., purch & 1st Presbyterian Church of S.D., own to constr 156 units, 16 story apt bldg obs l' inter aide yd where 3' is req at 1700 blk 3rd Ave. betw Freeway & Elm St., Zone c. C-9996 NH 7-13-70-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots Kand L- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO to develop as a parking lot for use by First Presbyterian Church located across the street where such uses are permitted by Conditional Use Pennit only, located at 1760 Third Avenue (southwest corner of Elm Street), Zone R-4. Conditions. CUP 17948 3-11-83