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Development Services

Horton's Addition Block 223

HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 223.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 223 Lot G- Permit to Jasber Frontiero to cons 4 car gar with apt in rear & l apt above, making 6 liv units & 6 gar spaces, with 10' rear yd, on new structure, approx 4 1 rearyd on exist structure, & 7' access to street, on NW cor 1st & Elm Res. 5235 1-10-51 Lot D- Permit to Richmond I, Kelsey to make improvements & addns to 3 exist res in rear of 1831 Front St. condl Res. 6692 7-9-52 Lot D- Permit to Richmond I. Kelsey (Res. 6602 ABOVE AMENDED) one bldg 9" rear yard and 6" side yard, one bldg with 12" side yard. Res. 6664 7-23-52 Lots 1-K- Permit to Centre City Hospital to constr & operate a rec. addn to an exist hospital, N of Elm St., E of Front St., S of Grape St. & W of 4th Av.,Zone C, R-3A & R-4. cup #100-PC/Amend #2 11/10/77