Horton's Addition Block 229 33
HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 229 33.tif HOR'lOll'S ADDITIOR BLOCK 229 Lots G,H,I & East 17.51 of Lot D- Permit to First Assembly of God Church to make interior /alterations to exist church covering 82% of the par where 60% is perm; over-coverage perm v under C-635, at 590 Fir St., NW cor of 6th Ave., Zones C (Lot D) & R-4 Lots G,H,I), condl. Case No. 5982 9-13-63-------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots G,H,I,J,K & E 17.5' of D- Z.A. considered the app of First Aseembly of God Church to construct a classroom addn to the church plant with 82% coverage, encroaching 5 1 811 into,the required rear yard of 10 1; addn to obs 0 1 side yard & cover 95.3% of $-4 portion of par,/where 4' side yard is required & max. 60% coverage is permitted; & has DENIED the reque~t but ACCEPTED a request for amendment of the legald!scription to include the entire owner- ship of the church property & to consider the request in the light of that whole property. resulting that the Z.A. considered their ~equest to const a classroomaddn. to exist church plant resulting in an approx 72% coverage where 60% coverage is permissable, encroaching 51811 into the required 10 1 rear yard (along the Wend of Lots G & H) & with exist liv units obs 0 1 side yard (on the N side of Lots K & B) where 4' is required; on Lots B & C, the E 17.5' of D & all of lots G,H.I.J.&K at 590 Fir St at the NW Cor of 6th Ave. R-4 & C Zones. condl. Case No. 7335 9/22/65. Lots G-K & El7.5' of D- Permit to 1st Assem. of God Church to erect 2-sin-faced, 5'x3'6" lited ID signs, one fronting on 6th Ave & one ffonting on Fir St where max 20 sq ft total sign area is perm; 590 Fir St betw 5th & 6th Avenues R-4 Zone. c-10064 9-16-10