Horton's Addition Block 266 Card #1
HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 266 CARD #1.tif--- HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK I&& 266 Lots G-1- Permit to James W. Rauenscroft, et al, owners & 1st. Ave. Corp., purch. to build & operate pharmacy within doctor's office build!~g. NW corner of 1st Ave. & Juniper St., to be no entry from pharmacy to street. and to const said bldg with a 10' setback from 2nd Ave. Res. 3568 & 67 11-17-48 Lots G-1- Permit to 1st Ave. Co., Inc. to build doctors' office bldg with 5' rear yd for 100' of the building, NW cor 1st & Juniper St., condl Res. 3769 3-23-49 Lots G-1- Ext of 6 mos ea on Res. 3567 & 68 granted to Jas W. Ravenscroft, et al, owners & the 1st Ave. Corp pur (See above) Res. 3887 & 88 5-18-49 Lots G-1- Ext of 6 mos on Res. 3769 Above to 1st Ave. Co., Inc. Res. 4161 9-21-49 Lots G-1- Ext of 6 mos from expiration date of R~s. 3888 Above, which extedded Rf'S. 3568 Above, to Jas W. Ravenscroft, et al, owners & 1st Ave. Corp. pur Res. 4219 l 0-5-49 Lots G-1- Ext of 6 mos from expiration date of Res. 3887 Above, which extended Res. 3567 il.bove to Jas. W. Ravenscroft, et al, owners & 1st Ave. Corp, pur. Res. 4220 I 0-5-49 Lots D-F- Permit to 1st Ave. Corp; own & (James W. Ravenscroft, M.D. Pres) to const & operate medical off bldg on NE cor Front & Juniper R-4 condl RMKC CUP C-3375 10-14-60