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Development Services

Horton's Addition Block 267 Card #2

HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 267 CARD #2.tif Card. No. (2) HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 267-~ Lots G, H, I, J- Permit to Barrett, Hibbard & Co. to erect a three-story, 33 unit apartment house and subterranean garage covering 61.$, of the premises where 60% is permitted at 2320 Front St., them,; cor of its intersection with Juniper St, Zone R-4, Cond'l. Case No. 7688 6-1-66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots E & F- Permit to The Bob Kassel Company, Inc. (1) DENIED as reqaested but APPROVED construction of a 9-unit 4-story apartment building to observe 9' street side yard where 10' is required; (2)DENIED as requested but APPROVED a 7' interior side yard where 10' is required; (3) DENIED as requested but APPROVED eaves to observe a 5 1& 1 street side yard on Juniper Street where 6 1 is required; (4) APPROVED erection of 40' of retaining wall ranging in height from O' to 7' observing at the closest point a O' front yard and street side where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in required 15' front yard and 10' street side yard, at northeast corner, Juniper and Albatross, Zone R-3A. Condition. CASE 16556 1-22-80 Lots Kand L- Permit GRANTED to DANIEL B. HUNTER AND THOMAS J. RYAN, a partnership, owner/ permittee, to convert an existing house, designated as an historical site, for the purpose of profes~ional law offices, located on the west side of Front Street, between Juniper and Kalmia Streets, Zone R-3A. CUP 10-629-0 7-7-81