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Development Services

Horton's Addition Block 267 Card #3

HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 267 CARD #3.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 267 Lots E & F- ZA considered amemded reqiest of JUNIPER HILL PARTNERSHIP #1 1) to constr. two sets of stairs varying in height from 8 1 6 11 to 10'6" with a 3'6" hi safety rail on top, observing a 0' front yard where a max. 3' struct~ ure is permitted in the 15' front yard; 2) to construct trash enclosure observing a 0' street side yard where 10' is required; 3) to erect approxi- mately 91' of retaining wall varying in height from 6' to 8' with a 3' 6 11 open rail on top observing a 7' front yard where a maximum 3' hi retaining wall with a max. 3' safety rail on top is permitted in the 15' front yard; 4) to erect 36' of retaining wall ranging in height from 5' to 9 1 8 11 with a 3'6" open fence on top, observing a 4' street side yard where a max. 3' re- taining wall with a max. 3' safety rail on top is permitted in the 10' street side yard; & 5) to constr. 5-story apartment bldg. observing a 10' interior side yard where 13' isreqd. & 21' rear yard where 24' is reqd. at 234-236 West Juniper, northwest corner of Juniper & Albatross, Zone R-600 AND DENIED as requested, but APPROVED the following; 1) to constr. two sets of stairs maximum 6 1 6 11 high with 3'6" hiS0% open safety railing on top, observing a 0' front yard where max. 3' 'hi retaining wall with a 3' hi, 50% open railing on top, observing a 7 ' front yard where 3' hi wall with 3', 50% open railing is permitted in the 15' front yard 2) to erect 69.5' of max. 7.36' hi wall with 3 1 6, 50% open railing on top, observing a 7' front yard where 3' hi wall with 3', 50% open railing on top is permitted within the 15' front yard; 3) to erect 34' of max. 7' hi retaining wall observing a 1 1 6 11 street side yard where a max. 3' hi wall with 3', 50% open wall on top is permitted in the lO' required street side yard; 4) to erect 39' of max. 5' hi retaining C-19'15/