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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 247 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 247 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 247 Lot B- Permit to Wm J. Glasson to construct an apt & Ave. with no setback. Res4/:1005.'5'{uwm~h, garage at 2151 2nd 7-6-45------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot E- Permit toW.H. & Kathryn E. Finch to construct liv rm addn to res to obs 4' S.B, 2119 ind Ave. Res4/8660 tl2-22-54------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot E- Permit to Wm. H. & Kathryn E. Finch to const living rm addn to:eel res to obs 4' SB at 2119 2nd Ave. C-755 5-21-56-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot H- Permit to Hawthorn Properties, Inc., (Martin P. Kope, M.D. Presi- dent) to dev prop as parking lot to provide 10 parkin& spaces for medical office.building across Third Ave. to the east, at 2117-24. Third Avenue betw Hawthorn Ave., and Ivy Street, Zone R-4- Cond'l.::.l.. r. C-12 582.c-r2-~~ 5-21.-74 [: ~ L11',,_ d-S"- 7'- (9-..2$- 1 J) ~;:t. J..~. j)-~~ I? (I l-~.)le ~-\..:.,-h--"c->,:-- <... / ._________________________________..:.t-_;. 1-1-r~~~-C.J.::":.).:-]_.--:::;1..i:.__ U..:..t~.:.ll.--4'_!1.Ji.l.ij Lot H-and Lots F and S50' of Lot E, Blo 248.- rmit to Hawthorn Properties, Inc. to constr 950 sq. ft. medical office add.--..9&--' medical office bldg retaining 10 exist parking spaces where 10 additional aces are required at 2118-24 'lb.ird Ave. Zone R-4. / AGREE #1961 6-3-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot I- Permit to Stephen G. Thein, r. to (I) maintain 81 hi bale & stairway att to non-conf resid struct to obs 0 1 fr nty~ at closest pt and (2) convert res id to.-,_ off use & prov O pkg sp, at 2128 130 Third Ave., zone R-3A. C-15514 1/29/79-