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Horton's Addn. Block 251 & Middletown Block K

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 251 & MIDDLETOWN BLOCK K.tif HORIDN'S ADDITION BLOCK 251 & MIDDLETOWN l BLOCK K Lot A- Permit to J,S. Trew, per Paul Dege to erect an apt, side yd 10', rear yd 3', 5r,f,, lot coverage at 2169 Brant St. Res. 64487 6-9-36-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot H (N15' of E60') & Lot I (S25' of E60')- Addition to a residence, 3' side yd, 8 1 rear yd, 5r,f,, cov (Ord 8924), Granted to Sarah E, Brittingham, 216 Albatross. Res. 72440 10-15-40----------------------,------------------------------------------------------- Lot C- Construction of a 4 uriit Angie F. Varney, 2145 Brant St. (Also see Blk.K, Middletown) Bungalow-court, back 4' on Brant St. DENIED to Ree. 73356 2-11-41-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot I(exc the ElOO') & Lot 4, Blk. Middletown,- Permit to Mrs. A. v. Kauffman to const a gar with a 9' setback at 2141-43 Brant St. Res. 3211 ~ 6-li-48 Lot 3- Construction of a 4-unit bungalow-court- back 4 1 on Brant Street, DENIED to Angie F. Varney- 2145 Brant Street RES. 73356 2-11-41 Permission granted to James O. Brodeur, 338 W. Hawthorn, to erect apt over exist garage, Lot 6, Block k, w/3 1 betw balcony of apt & exist dwell; side yd 4 1, rear yd 10 1, lot cover age 60%- Variance to Sec. Ba, Ord. 8924. RES. 73873 4-15-41 Lot 4 & exc the E 100 1 of Lot I, Block 251, Horton's Addn- Permit to Mrs. A. V. Kauffman to constr garage w/9' setback- 2141-43 Brant St. RES. 3211 6-16-48