Horton's Addn. Block 254
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 254.tif HORTON'S ADDITION Lot J- Permit DENIED into 4 apts with 2'6" (HOLC). BLOCK 254 ~ to Florence A. Barlow to remodel exist duplex at 2242 Front St. side yd on north & 5'3" betw this bldg & exist bldg on south Res. 274 5-13-43 Lot J- Permit to Florence A. Barlow to remodel exist duplex at 2242 Front St. into 4 apts with 2'6" sideyd for por of bldg & 0' sideyd for porch on rear & 5'8" betw bldg for portion of the bldg. Res. 475 12-6-43