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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 257 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 257 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 257 Lot I (N35')- Permit to E.V. Danforth, 2234 3rd Ave. to remodel the sin fam res on the N35' of Lot I, with a 2' side yd, and 2' rear yd, lot coverage 35~, on condition arc plans be submitted to & approved by City Planning Commission (Ord 8924). Granted by Res. 75391 dated Oct. 21st, 1941. Lots E & F (w)- Permit to D.c. Stevens to erect garages, with apts above on the NE corner of 2nd & Ivy Sta., with no setback on 2nd Ave., provided the corner of the bldg is made to conform with the existing retaining wall on a 3' radius, Res. 1096 9-13-45.._,\/Lots K & L- Permit to Clyde F. & Lena Holmes to const & oper office bldg for lawyers ~ on SW cor 3rd & Juniper Sts., with off-st park as shown on plans. Res. 8817 3-16-55 Lots K & L- Permit to Clyde F, Holmes, own & Ferdinand T. Fletcher, pur to const bldg to be used as law offices with a 5' SB on 3rd Ave., SW cor 3rd & Juniper/ Res. 8858 4-13-55 Lots K & L- Res. 8817 & 8858 ABOVE to Ferdinand T. Fletcher ext for 6 mo. Res. 9152 & 53 9-i4-55 L~~s J- Condl permit to Clara B. Brown, own & Phillips-Ramsey Co,, pur to con~c! advert. art studio in exist res in connection with advertising bus across street; on 3 ve. betw Juniper & Ivy Sta. C-952 l-ll-57