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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 258 Card 2

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 258 CARD 2.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 258 Card.{{Lots E & F, Pors. G & H- The Assist z.A. considered the request of Charles C, Ramsey, Jr. to (1) add 7' x 15' office addn to exist tvostory office bldg, addn to obs 2'-9" street sideyard, where 10' is req (exist bldg obs 2'-9" street sideyard)(2) eliminate 5' land- scape strip abutting right-of-wa,y on Third Ave. and Ivy St., where an area equal in square feet to ten ti.mes the length of property abutting public rigbt-of-wa,y is req; (3) eliminate (as amended) 15 parking spaces, where one space is req for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area (40 required) and supply 57 spaces on lot adjacent to bldg, (4) erect 90' of 6 1 high block waJ.l. on Third Ave. obs 11 front SB, where 10' is req, and 22' of 6' high solicl block wall on Ivy obs 2'-9" SB, where 10' is req at 304 Ivy St., Zones CN and C, and has DENIED the request. C-12413 2-20-74 Appealed to BZA- Appeal DENIED (5-23-74)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots C & D- Permit to John Sedlack to develop property for use as parking lot to serve office bldg located immediately adjacent to the south in the CN Zone, in the 2200 Block of Third Avenue, betw Ivy St. and Juniper St. Zone R-4, Cond'l. ~ ~- /- 7 7 U~ghl~on to 1211179 c-13o64 6-3-75---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots E & F, Pors. G & H- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ramsey and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ramsey, Jr. to convert exs 15 parking spaces to office space, and provide one parking space on this parcel and 47 pking spaces on adj parcel to the north (2200 Block Third Ave.)_ at_ 304_Ivy_ Street.__ Zone_ C_ and CN.__ Condit ions.__ C-14263.__ 6-6-77. Jf}}6?z2.I/6/79___