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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 277 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 277 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 277 Lot C- Condl' permit to Leona B, Davie to convert a room over an exist Front st. into liv quarters witn no rear yd. & no sideyard. condl Res. 767.RD#l ~'y garage at 2445 Lot D- Permit to Sutherland & Floye Perkins to erect 1 apt over gar, making 4 units, 5' bet res., 1 unit served by 5' access court, 2431 Font. Res. 4130 9-7-49---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot C- Permit DENIED to Leona B. Davis, owner & Leo J. Millin, pur to.maintain exist 2 story duplex witn 14" rear yd & 14" side yd (10' & 3' req) at 2445 Front St., & nave tne condition of Res. 767 &Agreement #324 rescinded, c-1198 5-20-57 APPEALED 6-20-57, Z.A. decision overruled on Case No. 1198. Lot C- Permit DENIED Henry T. & Evelyn Luxton to make alterations to duplex haveing 12" side yd & 12 11 rear yd; no increase in living units, where 3' side yd & 10' rear yd is req at 2445 Front St., Zone R-4. C-5794 7-8-63 ABOVE APPEALED 7018-63 and the appeal was denied and the decision of the Z,A. was sus- tained and affirmed. C-5794 8-27-63