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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 280

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 280.tif Horton's Addition Block 280 Lot D- Permit to H. E. Wyllie to bld. bath addn. & make reprs. & alter. to duplex at 2425 3rd Ave. with 0 1 sideyd on cond. addn. complies & with sideyd. require. Res. 5178 12-13-50---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot J- Permit to John Coker to const office space addn to exist res, approx 23' x 26 1 with 0' side yd W side 4th bet Laurel & Kalmia Res 7147 2-4-53 Lot C- Condl appr to Clyde R. Cunningnam to use Lot C as parking area for patients in connec with doctors' offices across st., at 2439 3rd Ave. R-4. Case H1118 4-8-57----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot F- Permit to Asaro, Featherman & Keagy to converl lower floor of existing building to office providing 3 off-street parking spaces in front obs a 0' SB where 10' is req at 304 Kalmia St., NE cor 3rd Ave. & Kalmia St., in the R-4 Zone (RP with improvements) condl AME1IIDED i-12_70 C-9475 9-5-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------