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Horton's Addn. Block 287 Card 2

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 287 CARD 2.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 287 <~- '{6> Lots G and H- Permit to Second and Laurel Investors to construct a two-story 5,'7o' sq. ft. office building and to: (1) provide 16 off-street parking spaces; (2) stairs to obs an 11 1611 front yard. NW corner of Second and Laurel Streets. CO Zone. Conditions. C-15276. 8-2-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot L- Permit to Edwin Hom to canst a 12' x 21' carport on same lot with exs sfd; carport addn to obs a 4' street side yard on Mf51e Street (eaves to obs a O' street side yard). 2570_Second_Avenue.__ zone_R-3A.__ condi?~on.__ c-15517.__ 11-16~78.___________________________ Lot J- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ALAN N. NEVIN, owner; TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL, lessee, to use existing two-story building for a junior high school, and provide (1) three compact parking spaces where eight parking spaces are required; and (2) a 10' wide, two-way driveway where minimum 20' is required, located at 2542 Second Avenue, Zone R-3A. Conditions. AMENDED 10-7-83 c-18061 6-10-83 Lot J- ZA DENIED request for amendment to C-18061 to ALAN N. NEVIN, Owner; TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL, Lessee to construct 220' of 5' high sol id fence on top of ma~imum 6' hi concrete block retaining wall observing a O' interior & rear yd where max, 6 1 hi retaining wall is permi.tted,with 3 1 611 hi, 50% open fence or wall on top, in the reqd 4 1 interior rear yards, at 2542 Second Avenue, Zoned R-6~0. C-18061 4/18/84