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Development Services

Horton's Addn Block 300 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDN BLOCK 300 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 300 Lota K &: L- Build 2 story apt out to front p.L on 1st &: Nutmeg- Granted to G. Hugh Murrin Res. 51642 9-30-29 DENIED for a commercial garage 9-3-29 Lots E, F &: D {exc Nly 5')- Permit to Sol Price, Geo Cory, Leo Freedman&: Mendell Weiss to const 21 unit apt house with open port canopy over access at fr of bldg, NE cor of Front & Maple Sta., 12 park spaces provided. Res. 6939 10-29-52 Lots I&: J- Permit to Kenneth L, Waddell, own & Dr. Milton Millman, pur to conv exist res to medical office, a 2 res obs l' rear yd & 6" side yd at 2630 1st Ave. R-4 condl. C=l500 11-1-57 Lots I&: J- Permit to Dr. Milton Millman to erect metal screen in fr of exist bldg to obs 0'9" SB & bldg having 11' SB (15' reqi) at 2630 1st Ave. c-1684 2-21-58 Lot J exc N41' & all of Lot I- Permit to Milton Millman to maint exist 2 story medical office. s-556 10-17-58 \ N41' of Lot j & all Lots K & L- Permit to Millman & M, Brent Campbell to erect doctor's off bldg witll parking in basement. S-557 10-17-58---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot I- AGREEMENT 1215 to Frank Mill Corp- easements recorded & maintained for park on adjoining lots 2630 let Ave. 12-17-62)